Biology Plus
For New Senior Cycle
The NEW Biology Plus package comprehensively covers the 2025 Leaving Certificate Biology Specification, ensuring full coverage of key strands and learning outcomes. This market-leading textbook has been updated and designed entirely for the New Specification and is suitable for both Higher and Ordinary Levels

The NEW Biology Plus package includes:
- Student Textbook
- Student Experiment Book & Investigation Guide
- Free Student eBook
- NEW Online Teacher’s Planning Resources
- Free New Digital Resources
- Specification-Aligned: The book is designed to meet the requirement of the 2025 Leaving Certificate Biology Specification, supporting the Nature of Science, Organisation of Life, Structures and Processes of Life, and Interactions of Life strands
- Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage: It provides a solid foundation in scientific literacy, inquiry-based learning and critical thinking, addressing all key concepts such as cellular biology, genetics, photosynthesis, ecology, and the interconnection of life
- Cross-Cutting Themes: The text integrates themes of Health, Sustainability, and Technology helping students understand real-world biological applications and societal impacts, particularly in areas like biotechnology and environmental conservation
- Practical Skill Development: Strong emphasis on scientific methodologies and inquiry-based learning, guiding students through hands-on experiments and critical analysis to foster a deep understanding of biology
- Assessment Focused: Each chapter includes differentiated revision questions to reinforce learning
- Each chapter includes learning objectives and revision questions
- Experiments (Investigations) are highlighted at the end of each chapter

- Includes the latest information on new discoveries in Biology
- Chapter summaries are included for quick revision
- Extensive Definitions and Glossary – Important terms are highlighted for easy reference
- 3D Models – The models align with strand 2 of the specification, focusing on life structures and processes (e.g., fetal development, heart and nephron models), promoting visualisation and deeper understandin
- Digital Technology Integration –Students can use animations, 3D models, and quizzes to understand the interaction of biological structures, supported by the digital resources mentioned in the specification
- Experiment Videos – Access to newly created lab experiment videos provides a visual understanding of mandatory investigations, including ecology and biology labs

For the 40% project component of the New Leaving Certificate Biology course, students will benefit from Biology Plus Investigation Guide (AAC) that supports scientific inquiry and practical investigations necessary for the Biology in Practice Investigation.
- This workbook is an essential resource to guide students in independently completing their Biology in Practice Investigation, ensuring they develop both scientific literacy and practical skills in line with the curriculum
- Each chapter includes detailed step-by-step investigations and experiments, fostering active learning and practical application of theoretical knowledge
- Clearly labelled sections with materials, procedures, diagrams, and student reports make the workbook easy to navigate, enhancing the learning experience for students and educators alike
- Encourages critical thinking and scientific inquiry by including sections on risks, safety precautions and questions to reflect on improving experimental methods
- Features activities like revision questions, data analysis and graphing tasks to help students consolidate their understanding and prepare for practical exams effectively

Biology Plus Online Teacher’s Planning Resources provide everything a teacher needs to successfully teach the new Leaving Certificate Biology course. The resources include:
- Sample lesson plans
- Assessment templates
- Photocopiable materials
- Interactive Classroom Tools: The resources feature quizzes, 3D models and experiment videos aiding in visual teaching and assessment planning, crucial for understanding complex biological processes

Teachers and students can access the NEW Biology Plus interactive e-book at www.edcolearning.ie, plus a bank of free digital resources, including:
- 35 PowerPoint Presentations to help teachers illustrate key biological principles in alignment with the strands of the specification
- Over 19 newly created lab experiment videos and animations to provide visual understanding of mandatory investigations, including ecology and biology labs
- Dedicated ecology videos presented by Éanna Ní Lamhna (Éanna is a well-known biologist, environmental consultant, radio and television presenter, author and educator)
- 3D models, flashcards, mind maps and quizzes to understand the interaction of biological structures, supported by the digital resources mentioned in the specification
Michael O’Callaghan, BSc, HDip in Ed, MEd, C Biol, MSB, has over 40 years’ experience of teaching Leaving Certificate Biology (over 30 of them at St David’s CBS, Artane, Dublin, and the Institute of Education, Leeson Street). He is the author of numerous Leaving Certificate Biology and Junior Cycle Science textbooks, revision guides, question books and workbooks. Michael corrected Leaving Certificate Biology examinations for many years.
Wesley Hammond is a Biology teacher since 2007. Wesley is an exam corrector with the State Examinations Commission and has a deep understanding of exam marking schemes. In 2022, he featured in the rte.ie/learn resource series to support students in their preparations for the Leaving Certificate exams. Wesley has been teaching at the Institute of Education for the past seven years.