A Complete Three Year Book for Junior Cycle French
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En Avant !
En Avant ! is the first 3-year book on the market to comprehensively cover the entire three-year French Junior Cycle. Written by a highly experienced MFL author team Liz Shinners and Liz Benson.
The En Avant ! package includes:
- Student Textbook
- Learning Log (Dossier)
- Free Student e-Book
- Free Audio App
- Student Interactive ‘Quizlet’ Site
- Teacher’s Resource Book and CDs
- Free Digital Resources

Student Textbook
- The structure of the book allows for easy planning and allows time for assessment and revision
- Each unit is designed as a Unit of Learning to support teachers’ planning in line with the Junior Cycle Specification
- Units and activities build slowly and progressively, becoming more challenging over the three years to ensure learning is built on and knowledge is integrated from earlier units
- Each unit is designed and planned in line with the Modern Foreign Language Learning Outcomes
- Instructions are also in French and English in earlier units to make the book more accessible to students
- Learning intentions (Les Objectifs) are displayed at the beginning of each unit which makes planning convenient for teachers and helps the student focus on what to expect

- Key grammar is listed at the beginning of each unit
- Grammar is explained and reinforced with grammar in context exercises
- Units all provide opportunities to engage with authentic-style French texts
- Culture sections throughout each unit teach students about French and Francophone habits and customs, developing sociocultural knowledge and promoting intercultural awareness
- The language learning strategies in each unit provide helpful tips for language acquisition
- Pronunciation tutorials are signposted throughout
- The reflection moments throughout the book and dossier develop student’s working knowledge of reflection which can then be put in action in the reflection task in CBA 1
- The book has a task-based approach with each unit working toward a task at the end
- Colour-coding is used to highlight different types of activities – grammar, reading, writing, speaking, listening and cultural awareness
- Extension activities (En Plus) are optional activities for more advanced language learners and function as a mode of differentiation
- All assessment needs are covered with guidelines and samples for both CBAs and Sample Exam Papers assist with preparation for the written exam

Learning Log – Dossier
A FREE Learning Log, which students can use as their language portfolio – a place to collect pieces of work.
The Dossier includes:
- An end of unit reflection on language learning strategies and success criteria for end of unit tasks
- The Units of Learning are reinforced in the Dossier
- A peer and group feedback feature provide a strong emphasis on active learning

Teacher’s Resource Book
En Avant ! Teacher’s Resource Book will help you to plan your lessons more easily and contains:
- Planning advice and Scheme of Work
- Sample Units of Learning & Full Year Plan
- End-of-unit tests for Assessment for Learning
- Extension activities with worksheets
- Printed solutions to textbook activities, learning diary tests, extension exercises and end of unit tests
- Full Audio transcripts
- Free Teacher’s CDs upon request

New Audio App – this free App allows students to listen to audio tracks for their En Avant ! textbook. The App can be downloaded to a mobile or desktop device. Tracks are also available to listen to online. www.edcoaudioapp.ie

Digital Resources
Teachers and students can access the En Avant ! interactive e-book at www.edcolearning.ie, plus a bank of free digital resources.
The Digital Resources include:
- Student website with ‘Quizlet’ activities and interactive grammar and language quizzes for consolidation and revision
- Pronunciation tutorials to aid oral communication
- Sample CBA presentation videos for exam support
- Audio tracks in digital format
- Follow-up worksheets for every video
- Ready-made, editable PowerPoints on key grammar points and vocabulary to aid topic introduction and revision
- Topic videos and vlogs showing students using French-language skills in everyday life