Feabhas is a new and engaging Transition Year Book written to help improve key Irish language skills in an integrated and easy-to-use manner. It has been designed as a set of modules that teachers can pick and choose from to cater for students of mixed ability and to meet the busy demands of Transition Year.

The Feabhas package includes:
- A Student Textbook
- A Free Student e-book
- Free Audio App
- Free Digital Resources
Feabhas contains the following features, and much more:
- Designed as a set of modules that teachers can choose from to cater for students of mixed ability
- Seven modules – An Ghaeilge Labhartha, Scríobh na Gaeilge, Léamhthuiscint, Cluastuiscint, Gramadach, Litríocht na Gaeilge, Stair agus Cultúr na Gaeilge – with an emphasis on reading, writing, listening and speaking the Irish language in each of them
- Strong support and scaffolding for students to gain experience of each aspect of the Leaving Certificate course – oral exam, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammar, composition and literature
- Opportunity for students to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in an interactive way
- Can be used as a workbook and also used in the classroom or at home
- Students can work independently or in pairs and groups
- Clear design and layout with a student-centred approach

Teachers can access the Feabhas interactive e-book at www.edcolearning.ie, as well as a bank of free digital resources, including:
- Ready-made, editable grammar and vocabulary PowerPoints
- Audio tracks (also available on the Edco Audio App), with transcript
- Quizlet activities for consolidation and revision
- Worksheets, crosswords and wordsearches
- Extra content, including videos
Feabhas is written by Elizabeth Henneberry, a teacher of Irish in Wexford CBS, with
over 17 years’ teaching experience.