The Wellbeing Package

In planning their Wellbeing programme, schools should note that from September 2022 onwards, the use of the Junior Certificate syllabuses for SPHE and CSPE should be discontinued. The Junior Cycle Wellbeing programme is 400 hours over three years of time-tabled learning for first year students starting in September 2022.
Given the level of priority that the Department of Education are giving to wellbeing as an area of learning, it is vitally important that we ensure that the time devoted to it is well planned to ensure that students gain the maximum benefit from these classes. The Edco package allows school leaders and Wellbeing coordinators to plan their schools’ wellbeing programme and meet the identified needs of the students in their own unique school context.


A World of Wellbeing – Junior Cycle CSPE package has been recently updated and is fully in line with the new 2021 specification

The package:

  • Includes up-to-date content on global issues Covid-19, the Black Lives Matter Movement
    and Brexit
  • Each chapter is introduced with Learning Intentions, Key Skills and Key Words
  • Covers the three strands central to the CSPE Short Course: Rights and responsibilities, Global citizenship and Exploring democracy
  • A variety of activities in every chapter support learning and self-assessment
  • Provides in-depth suggestions for the Citizenship Action Project and a completed sample project at the end of each strand, supported by a ‘Steps to Action’ animation with useful advice for students on how to carry out their Action Project
  • Relevant CSPE Key Skills and Wellbeing Indicators are highlighted throughout
  • The Reflective Journal and Teacher’s Resource Book have also been updated to reflect the specification changes


Health and Wellbeing: SPHE 1, 2 & 3 are fully in line with the new Junior Cycle Wellbeing Guidelines and Framework, and is now available for Junior Cycle SPHE 1st, 2nd and 3rd year

The package:

  • Covers the four strands, strand units and Learning Outcomes of the SPHE short course
  • Address each of the Eight Key Skills of the new Junior Cycle
  • Contains Learning Logs which encourage students to reflect on their learning and keep a record of it, facilitating the completion of Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) and student journals
  • Book 2 features new and age-appropriate information on cyberbullying, online safety, mental health, mindfulness, stress management, resilience and relaxation
  • Book 3 features new and age-appropriate information on issues including sexting, sextortion, study and exam skills, sexual health, stress management and relaxation techniques, and guidelines on organising a ‘Positive Mental Health Week’
  • Teachers’ Resource Books & Digital Resources
  • Include extra theoretical background to topics, alternative activities and suggestions for differentiation and classroom management
  • Includes solutions to quizzes and crosswords
  • Includes scenario-based animations, PowerPoints, worksheets and comprehensive list of weblinks