Fáilte! 1
A new, engaging and inclusive First Year Junior Cycle Irish Book
Fáilte! 1 is a completely new, engaging and inclusive First Year Junior Cycle Irish book. The first in a three-book series, it is designed to fully meet the requirements of the Junior Cycle Irish specification. Bringing the language to life, the book ensures students of all abilities can succeed in their study of Irish.

The Fáilte! 1 Package includes:
- A Student Textbook
- An Activity Book
- Free Student E-book
- A Teacher’s Resource Book
- Posters
- Audio App
- Free Digital Resources
- Scaffolded and purposeful structure, with a seamless progression from chapter to chapter
- Content organised to enable students to gradually enhance their language skills and knowledge of grammar and vocabulary in a structured and manageable manner
- A mixed-ability approach that both consolidates and extends students’ learning
- Thematically relevant chapters with up-to-date content to engage students
- Réamh-mheasúnú sections assessing students’ prior learning at the
beginning of each chapter - Clearly labelled exercises, highlighting the specific language skill being taught, with standardised instructions to help students work independently
- A wide variety of meaningful exercises designed to engage students and assess their learning
- Many varied and purposeful listening exercises created to help students develop their aural skills in each chapter
- A variety of oral exercises created to develop students’ oral skills, including pair and group work
- Many reading exercises that engage students’ interests and consolidate their learning
- A range of writing exercises that students can complete on their own
- Portfolio and communication tasks that prepare students for their
Classroom-Based Assessments - Súil Siar sections assessing students’ knowledge at the end of each chapter
- Culture sections that highlight the relevance of Irish and foster students’
cultural awareness - Thematically appropriate literature texts (including short films, songs, poems, a short story from the recommended list) that foster students’ interest, with scaffolded exercises to develop their engagement with literature
- A dedicated culture chapter
- A comprehensive grammar section, with additional exercises, covering the key grammar points from each chapter
- A valuable glossary covering the key vocabulary from each chapter
Package comes with a free ebook and free Audio App


Fáilte! 1 Student Activity Book has a variety of valuable tasks that students can complete in class or at home, including peer and self-assessment with built-in opportunities to log their learning.

Fáilte! 1 Teacher’s Resource Book meets your requirements to successfully teach and deliver First Year Junior Cycle Irish.
It includes:
- Comprehensive editable planning documents
- A selection of Tests
- Audio script
- Solutions
- Posters (available separately)
Teachers can access the new Fáilte! 1 interactive e-book at www.edcolearning.ie, plus a bank of free digital resources, including:
- Editable templates to support planning
- Editable chapter PowerPoints to aid revision
- Chapter quizzes to consolidate learning
- Short film videos and oral videos to enhance learning

E-books and Digital Resources Available on
Fáilte! 2 (Ordinary Level) and Fáilte! 3 (Higher Level) will complete the package and be available in Spring 2026.